HONEY- A true treasure of health and strength
One of the foods that gathers particular scientific interest mainly because of the nutrients. Honey is a natural sweetener food that has strong antioxidant, antimicrobial and cell-protection action in the human organization.
The value of the honey has been appreciated since ancient times:
In the Egyptian papyri, 3,500 years ago, refers to honey as a healing agent.
In the book of life of the ancient Indians reported to prolong life when honey and milk is part of the daily nutrition. Nectar was the food of the immortal Gods. Zeus was raised with honey by the nymph Melissa. Hippocrates recommended honey to treat many diseases, so was Aristotle who believed that honey prolong life.
The Egyptians offered to gods honeycombs as a precious gift of loyalty and consoling.
The color of honey
The color is a characteristic of the honey. The dark-colored honey is rich in minerals (magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, etc) and have a higher nutritional value. The light has better aroma and taste.
Comparative advantages of Greek honey, relative to international competition, among others, are:
Today, the Greek honey is worldwide renowned for its excellent quality, unique aroma and rich flavor.
Honey Categories
Each category has certain peculiarities which distinguish it from all others.
There are two major types of honey. Flower honey, produced from the nectar of flowers and the honey that is produced from the juice of pine, fir and other forest plants.
PineWood honey: Has special flavor, is richer than the rest in minerals and proteins and has fewer calories. It's a honey that does not crystallize. The pine honey is considered a high nutritional value and this is mainly due to the large number of different substances present in the establishment. Since these substances are dominated by metals and minerals (calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, copper, etc.), which are found in high concentrations in Greek pine. 65-70% of Greek production is pine.
Polyflower honey: It is light and fragrant with a particularly intense aroma. Harvested in the rich Peloponnesian Land, this excellent combination of blossom offer rich taste and antioxidant properties.
Rare Thyme: The most aromatic honey, extremely pleasant in taste with light glowing amber appearance among the best quality honey available. It is collected with special care from the Aegean islands and Crete.
Nutritional value
Honey is powerful energy food, since it is absorbed directly by the human body (1 tablespoon honey gives 64Kcal). There have been identified over 180 different substances in honey which make it also a nutritional valuable food. Water containing is 16%, organic acids (eighteen in number), proteins and amino acids, mineral elements in small quantities (potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, etc.), enzymes, protein complexes, vitamins (B2, B6, C , D, E, pantothenic acid, folic acid, etc.), natural flavorings, etc.
Honey has high energy and nutritional value not only for the abundance of the nutrients but also for the coexistence of all these, and the way in which they act on the human body.